Lakefront District, Gary, Indiana
Vita Nuova is supporting the Strong Cities program in Gary, Indiana as a redevelopment consultant. VN’s expertise in understanding public and private drivers of redevelopment is helping one of the most distressed cities in the US build a new future. VN is contracted through USEPA to support a revitalization process that began by defining key areas of redevelopment focus along the Northside of Gary, but is currently focused in creating a new Lakefront District combining the Miller and Aetna neighborhoods around a new transit-oriented district (TOD) and a light industrial district. VN is working with a diverse set of stakeholders to help bring the project to reality.
Working cooperatively with the commuter transit operator and the Regional Development Agency, the Millier station will become the originator of new train service, shortening commute times to and from Chicago, creating a destination for commuters who will have access to Lake Michigan and other amenities along the northern waterfront in Gary. The approach is intended to bring together one of Gary’s most stable neighborhoods with one of its most blighted, creating new opportunities for commercial, retail and housing development.
Upon completing the design and supporting a $30mm TIGR grant to support implementation, VN is working to identify oppportunities to implement the plan including assembling property, working with federal and state partners, and local owners and developers to invest in the plan. VN ‘s work will include helping to bring together key development partners, creating a form-based overlay zone and supporting the implementation of a TIF district.
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