Craig Milburn is a Senior Project Manager with more than 20 years of experience providing program management on complex brownfield and superfund projects with an emphasis on community engagement and reuse planning.
At Vita Nuova, Craig supports public and private sector clients on site repositioning and disposition and manages a team of experts to develop reuse options for complicated brownfield projects. Craig brings a broad spectrum of experience in sustainability, environmental policy, brownfields reuse, public financing, stakeholder engagement, and government affairs.
He has special expertise in managing highly visible projects with engaged communities to develop strategic stakeholder engagement plans to achieve successful outcomes. Craig has led numerous community reuse projects, working with multiple stakeholders with wide-ranging priorities that balance public benefits and environmental objectives. He brings experience working with federal and state regulators and elected officials to foster relationships, enhance collaboration, and problem-solve complex issues.
He is a frequent guest lecturer at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship for Public Affairs, emphasizing how corporations and communities can mutually benefit from engaged community relations around complex, former industrial sites.